Mind-Body Techniques

“Breathe in and Relax” … Why for some that‘s not so easy?

“Breathe in and Relax” … Why for some that‘s not so easy?

I saw a patient yesterday who, while we were talking about using breath to relax, quickly and abruptly cut me off and explained that “breathing” does not relax her.  In fact she said, “It stresses me out. “  In my experience this response is not uncommon.  A comment I hear a lot when talking or lecturing about breath is that breathing…
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• My Practice is Evolving and I’m Naming My Bodywork

• My Practice is Evolving and I’m Naming My Bodywork

by Jenn Krebs, N.D. This year I am celebrating twelve years in private practice.  My practice has taken many shapes and forms in the past decade.  When I moved my practice from New Haven to Guilford two years ago, I made the decision to focus my practice in the two areas where I felt most passionate – mind-body medicine and…
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• A Balancing Act: Our Families, Our Work, and Ourselves

• A Balancing Act: Our Families, Our Work, and Ourselves

by Jenn Krebs, N.D. Last week a patient said to me, quite casually, “You haven’t written a newsletter in a while.”  I immediately felt a slight sense of panic.  Thoughts raced through my mind like, “I haven’t been doing my job,” “I’m slacking,” and “I really need to focus more on my work.” I didn’t consciously take the summer off from…
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• What Drives Us to Take Better Care of Ourselves?

• What Drives Us to Take Better Care of Ourselves?

by Jenn Krebs, N.D. One of the philosophical principles of naturopathic medicine is that the body has an innate ability to heal itself. Applying this principle to mind-body medicine, we could extrapolate that each one of has an innate desire to take care of ourselves and improve our health and sense of wellbeing.  We might assume that deep down we want to make better choices like eating healthier foods, exercising, and…
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• Finding Meditation in our Busy Lives

• Finding Meditation in our Busy Lives

by Jenn Krebs, N.D. Meditation is a concept I love to talk about.  I teach it in both an academic and a clinical setting, and it is so interesting to me to hear the experiences people have had with it, the preconceived notions they may have about it, and how they see it fitting into the lives they live today.…
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• Finding Ease in our Lives is Hard Work

• Finding Ease in our Lives is Hard Work

by Jenn Krebs, N.D. We live in a country that celebrates hard work.  We tell our children that if they work hard enough they can accomplish anything they set out to do.   In many ways, this is a wonderful message.  It can create confidence and a sense of responsibility, as well as instill a motivation to work hard and excel. …
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Making a Date with Myself

Making a Date with Myself

My calendar is getting full.  Every year, September rolls around, and I get out my date book.  I write down the kids’ school days and their days off, I plan for weekly classes and play dates, I keep track of birthdays, birthday parties, and holidays, I schedule doctor and dentist appointments, and I block out the hours that I teach and see patients.  This…
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