Say No to Sugar and Know Where it Resides (and Hides) in our Foods

Say No to Sugar and Know Where it Resides (and Hides) in our Foods

I few weeks ago I posted Take Back Our Health, the first post in my Busy Mom’s Guide to Eating Well. This week I am writing in depth about my first step to taking back our health … saying no to sugar and knowing where it resides (and where it hides) in our foods.

In a previous post from my Mind-Body Blog, I challenged my readers to Stand Up To Sugar and to realize and understand that sugar is everywhere in our lives — in our habits, our recipes, our celebrations, our workplace, and our homes.

Just because food companies place sugar in their products does not mean it is a good idea.

Just because we have access to sugary foods 24 hours a day and 365 days a year does not mean we should consume them hourly, daily, weekly or perhaps EVER.

Just because we encounter an abundance of sugary foods at work, in meetings, at parties, in our refrigerators and cupboards (basically anywhere and everywhere we find ourselves congregating) does not mean it is good for us.

Just because our family celebrations and rituals revolve around foods loaded with sugar does not make it less harmful to our bodies.

Just because sugar is hidden in many foods that we consider healthy (or health food) does not make it nutritious.


Sugar has become such an everyday and acceptable part of our lives that when I counsel patients on eating less or eliminating it, I often see fear in their eyes. Many are panicked and want immediate alternatives. Are artificial sweeteners okay? How about raw organic cane sugar, it’s organic? Evaporated cane juice?  Agave Nectar? Coconut sugar? Frustrated and exasperated, we demand, “There must be an acceptable sugar!“

Fact is … we are addicted to sugar. We are addicted to the sweet taste, to how it makes us feel, and to what is does chemically in our bodies. And when we contemplate taking sugar out of our lives, we feel deprived, restricted, and pissed off; that’s a clear sign that we are hooked! Sugar-related illnesses, like obesity and type 2 diabetes, are at an all-time high in both adults and children. Perhaps more surprising are the links being discovered between an elevated sugar intake and heart disease, cancer, high cholesterol, metabolic syndrome, mental illness and the list goes on.

The dangerous combination of sugar being available at every turn and sugar’s own addictive nature has resulted in an uphill battle in the fight for our health. I can counsel someone to cut down his/her sugar intake, I can recommend giving up sugar completely, and I can advise eating sugar only on rare occasions, but the truth is we all struggle with breaking the vicious hold that sugar has on us.

The reality is that when we continue to feed our sweet addiction with sugar and “sweet tasting” alternatives we do nothing to break its hold. I believe that we need to firmly reject the sugar culture and make a commitment to eat and drink less “sweetened food” and, in turn, foster a liking and desire for all the other delicious tastes and flavors abundant in whole foods.  When we break free from the prison of sugar, it is surprising how flavorful and tasty food can be.

For the busy mom, I know this is a challenge. But I’m afraid sugar is not going anywhere, it’s here to stay for the foreseeable future. We must understand that WE are the only ones who can say no to sugar (added sugars, refined sugars, artificial sugars, even healthfood sugars). Sugar resides and hides in fruit juices, sports drinks, canned fruit, almond, rice and soy milks, yogurts, dried fruit, frozen meals, cereals, breads, condiments, coleslaw, peanut butter, pasta sauce, granola and cereal bars, salad dressings, and truthfully I could go on and on.  Natural sugars in fruit juice spike our blood sugar, refined breads and pastas cause significant spikes in blood sugar, and chips, pretzels and crackers pack a heavy load of carbs into our diet.  Look for a future post where I will explain the importance of combining fiber and protein with wholefood carbohydrates to improve your body’s blood sugar response.

I never promised a sexy or quick fix. My approach to sugar is hardcore; I don’t apologize, and I won’t back down. We need to rethink how much sugar we want in our lives and in our bodies. What is acceptable to us and what is not. We are the only ones who can do this, we can’t count on the folks making and selling our foods. We have to take a stand and not let the food and advertising industries tell us what is best for us. We are on our own in this fight for our health; we make the ultimate decision of what we put in our mouths and our bodies.

We can’t let the fact that we are busy moms stand in our way of standing up to sugar. We can’t be too busy to make limiting sugar and choosing lower or no sugar alternatives a priority. Take back your health and say no to sugar. Limit it wherever and whenever possible in your lives. Moms, we deserve this!

The Mommy Tune-up is a blog solely devoted to the busy mom’s pursuit of sanity and good health!

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Dr. Jenn Krebs Rapkin, ND

Dr. Jenn Krebs Rapkin is a naturopathic physician and a mom.  The author of two blogs, she writes about the challenges and benefits of living a healthy and mindful life.  Dr. Rapkin finds insight and humor in the daily experiment we call life, especially in the busy mom’s pursuit of sanity and good health.  If she’s not writing, teaching, or seeing patients, she is feeling equally overwhelmed and overjoyed as the mom of two young children.

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