Posts by: Mommy Tune-up Author

What’s Your Source?

What’s Your Source?

What refuels you? What do you do to recharge?  As moms, we are giving, giving, giving all day long.  Sometimes we are up all night with our children.  When I talk to moms about their health, I hear the words exhausted, drained and depleted. We need to identify and find our source – our source is what we do or…
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Take a Breath – The Key to Our Survival and Sanity

Take a Breath – The Key to Our Survival and Sanity

In physiology, we learn that breath is the vital exchange of gases. It is a sign of life. In yoga, breath is Prana or our vital force moving through our bodies. In mindfulness meditation, breath is used as a tool to stay in the present and as an object of focus or concentration. For moms, breath is not only vital…
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Let Your Healthy Behaviors Ground You

Let Your Healthy Behaviors Ground You

Occasionally I will notice a trend or make a connection in my work.  Recently, I have been super interested in what it takes and what allows us to make real and lasting changes in our lives.  What I am noticing is this … my patients who see making healthy changes in their lives as a chore or nuisance struggle more…
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Take Back our Health: A Busy Mom’s Guide to Eating Well

Take Back our Health: A Busy Mom’s Guide to Eating Well

I often hear moms today talk about how they can’t squeeze eating well and taking care of themselves into their schedules. We often look for a quick fix or a fad diet or we postpone our health to a future time – a fictitious time where we will have all the time in the world for good health. Both strategies…
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Zen and the Art of Laundry

Zen and the Art of Laundry

If I write a book in my lifetime, it may very well have this title.  While speaking to a group of moms last month, the topic of doing laundry came up.  Oddly enough, laundry comes up a lot in my group discussions with parents.  When you think about it, maybe it’s not so odd that laundry is a hot topic…
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Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

This blog post is a continuation of The Busy Mom’s Guide to Eating Well. Step 5: Vary the colors of your vegetables and fruits every day; the different colors offer varied nutrients that are essential to our health   Do you eat the same thing day after day? We are creatures of habit and we know what we like. But…
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Grieving Our Former Lives

Grieving Our Former Lives

Do you miss certain things about your life before kids? Do you miss the freedom you had before kids? Are you ever frustrated with, overwhelmed by or resentful about your new responsibilities and pressures as a mom? If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, I want to give you permission to grieve your former life.  I believe…
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A Balancing Act: Our Families, Our Work, and Ourselves

A Balancing Act: Our Families, Our Work, and Ourselves

As I head off to a medical conference this week, I will be without my family for a few days.  While I admittedly look forward to this trip every year, I also feel a little guilty for looking forward to it and will, at the same time, undoubtedly miss my family.  Time to myself is a priority.  Before I had a family, I used to spend quite a bit of time…
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A Busy Mom’s Guide to Eating Well

A Busy Mom’s Guide to Eating Well

I often hear moms today talk about how they can’t squeeze eating well and taking care of themselves into their schedules. We often look for a quick fix or a fad diet or we postpone our health to a future time – a fictitious time where we will have all the time in the world for good health. Both strategies…
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I Clean Because It Lessens My Anxiety

I Clean Because It Lessens My Anxiety

How one reacts to chaos says a lot about a person. As moms, our lives can be pure chaos.  Messy rooms, piles of laundry, and dirty dishes are the physical signs of chaos in our lives, but that is just the tip of the chaotic iceberg.  Our homes are chaotic, our schedules are chaotic, and our relationships can be chaotic.   I…
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