
Stand Up To Sugar

Stand Up To Sugar

We need to rethink our relationship with sugar. I have counseled patients on reducing their sugar intake for over a decade now, and I have come to this conclusion … if we dread the idea of giving up sugar, if we are frantically searching for sweetener alternatives, and if we look forward to consuming sugar daily, WE NEED TO CHANGE THE…
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Let’s Protect and Respect Our Time

Let’s Protect and Respect Our Time

I can’t help commenting on this today.  I’m wondering if you are noticing what I’m noticing? As I find myself using and depending on my smartphone more and more, I find that I am able to accomplish more and more.  I’m able to answer an email at the grocery store, reschedule a patient anywhere and anytime with a single text,…
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Let Your Healthy Behaviors Ground You

Let Your Healthy Behaviors Ground You

Occasionally I will notice a trend or make a connection in my work.  Recently, I have been super interested in what it takes and what allows us to make real and lasting changes in our lives.  What I am noticing is this … my patients who see making healthy changes in their lives as a chore or nuisance struggle more…
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Taking Care of Ourselves While Taking Care of Others

Taking Care of Ourselves While Taking Care of Others

I recently talked to a great group of moms about the challenges and rewards of taking care of ourselves while caring for our children.  Many of us are living the role of caretaker.  We care for families, children, partners, elderly parents, patients, clients, pets, and more.  We accept the role because we are needed and because we can help.  We…
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“Breathe in and Relax” … Why for some that‘s not so easy?

“Breathe in and Relax” … Why for some that‘s not so easy?

I saw a patient yesterday who, while we were talking about using breath to relax, quickly and abruptly cut me off and explained that “breathing” does not relax her.  In fact she said, “It stresses me out. “  In my experience this response is not uncommon.  A comment I hear a lot when talking or lecturing about breath is that breathing…
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• My Practice is Evolving and I’m Naming My Bodywork

• My Practice is Evolving and I’m Naming My Bodywork

by Jenn Krebs, N.D. This year I am celebrating twelve years in private practice.  My practice has taken many shapes and forms in the past decade.  When I moved my practice from New Haven to Guilford two years ago, I made the decision to focus my practice in the two areas where I felt most passionate – mind-body medicine and…
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